In Flames歌曲:Take This Life歌词


In Flames歌曲:Take This Life歌词

最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《Take This Life》,下面就由嘛歌词(小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


Take This Life歌曲介绍



Take This Life歌词

Mandalay--this life by Sandy@xjtu
You couldn’t even bring yourself
To stay, oh no
You had to go
Spoil it all
I know you had to go
Now I find these endlessly
Colourblind days
To fill
You never will
(take this life)
Take this life
Take it all
In your hands
You were mine
I could smile
You understand, fine
I dream
You come to me
(come back to me)
And comfort me
But now I dream
Where did this time go
Where did this time go
Did your love go
I know
You have to go
Spoil it all
And now I know
You never will
(take this life)
Take this life
Take it all
In your hands
You were mine
I could smile
You understand, fine
(take this life)
Take this life
Take it all
In your hands
You were mine
I could smile
Just wh


上一篇 2022-11-13
下一篇 2022-11-13


